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                                    號碼(No.): CC/2018/B0082A     日期(Date): 2018/11/16      頁數(Page): 2 of 17
     Test Report

    嵩陽工業股份有限公司                                                                                    *CC/2018/B0082A*

    測試樣品(Test Sample):          鐵灰色金屬 (IRON-GRAY METAL)

    測試方法(Test Method):
      參照SGS內部方法RSTS-EE-SVHC-007. 由感應耦合電漿原子發射光譜儀、紫外光可見光譜儀、氣相層析/質譜儀、液相層析/質
      In-House method-RSTS-EE-SVHC-007. Analyzed by ICP-AES, UV-VIS, GC/MS, LC/MS, GC/FPD, LC/MS/DAD, UPLC-MSMS.)

    測試結果 (Test Results)
    (1) 高關注物質(SVHC)候選清單 / Candidate List of SVHC (2018/06/27)
     No.                                     物質名稱                                              RL          濃度
                                         (Substance Name)                                     (%)     (Concentration)
       1. 4,4' - 二氨基二苯甲烷 / 4,4' - Diaminodiphenylmethane (MDA) (CAS No.: 101-77-9)            0.05         n.d.
       2. 二甲苯麝香 / 5-tert-butyl-2,4,6-trinitro- m-xylene (Musk Xylene) (CAS No.: 81-           0.05         n.d.
       3. 短鏈氯化石蠟 / Alkanes, C10-13, chloro (Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins) (CAS           0.05         n.d.
         No.: 85535-84-8)
       4. 蒽 / Anthracene (CAS No.: 120-12-7)                                                  0.05         n.d.
       5. 鄰苯二甲酸丁苯甲酯 / BBP (Butyl Benzyl phthalate) (CAS No.: 85-68-7)                         0.05         n.d.
       6. 氧化雙三丁基錫 / Bis(tributyltin)oxide (TBTO)*** (CAS No.: 56-35-9)                         -           n.d.
       7. 五氧化二砷 / Diarsenic pentaoxide*** (CAS No.: 1303-28-2)                                 -           n.d.
       8. 三氧化二砷 / Diarsenic trioxide*** (CAS No.: 1327-53-3)                                   -           n.d.
       9. 鄰苯二甲酸二丁酯 / DBP (Dibutyl phthalate) (CAS No.: 84-74-2)                               0.05         n.d.
      10. 六溴環十二烷及所有主要被辨別出的異構物 / Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCDD) and all                        0.05         n.d.
         major diastereoisomers identified (α- HBCDD, β- HBCDD, γ- HBCDD) (CAS No.:
         25637-99-4 and 3194-55-6 (134237-51-7, 134237-50-6, 134237-52-8))
      11. 砷酸氫鉛 / Lead hydrogen arsenate*** (CAS No.: 7784-40-9) (※1)                           -           n.d.
      12. 重鉻酸鈉 / Sodium dichromate*** (CAS No.: 7789-12-0; 10588-01-9(*))                      -           n.d.
      13. 三乙基砷酸酯 / Triethyl arsenate*** (CAS No.: 15606-95-8)                                  -           n.d.
      14. 鄰苯二甲酸二 (2-乙基己基)酯 / DEHP (Bis (2-ethyl(hexyl) phthalate)) (CAS No.:                  0.05         n.d.
      15. 2,4-二硝基甲苯 / 2,4-Dinitrotoluene (CAS No.: 121-14-2)                                  0.05         n.d.
      16. 蒽油 / Anthracene oil (CAS No.: 90640-80-5) (**)                                      0.05         n.d.
      17. 蒽油, 蒽糊 / Anthracene oil, anthracene paste (CAS No.: 90640-81-6) (**)                0.05         n.d.
      18. 蒽油, 蒽糊, 蒽餾分 / Anthracene oil, anthracene paste, anthracene fraction (CAS            0.05         n.d.
         No.: 91995-15-2) (**)

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          Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested.
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