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                                    號碼(No.): CC/2018/B0143     日期(Date): 2018/11/22       頁數(Page): 4 of 17
     Test Report

    嵩陽工業股份有限公司                                                                                     *CC/2018/B0143*

     No.                                     物質名稱                                              RL          濃度
                                         (Substance Name)                                     (%)     (Concentration)
      39. 三氧化鉻 / Chromium trioxide ***(CAS No.: 1333-82-0)                                     -           n.d.
      40. 碳酸鈷(二價) / Cobalt(II) carbonate*** (CAS No.: 513-79-1)                                -           n.d.
      41. 醋酸鈷(二價) / Cobalt(II) diacetate*** (CAS No.: 71-48-7)                                 -           n.d.
      42. 硝酸鈷(二價) / Cobalt(II) dinitrate*** (CAS No.: 10141-05-6)                              -           n.d.
      43. 硫酸鈷(二價) / Cobalt(II) sulphate*** (CAS No.: 10124-43-3)                               -           n.d.
      44. 1,2,3-三氯丙烷 / 1,2,3-trichloropropane (CAS No.: 96-18-4)                              0.05         n.d.
      45. 鄰苯二甲酸二 (C6-8支鏈)烷基酯,富C7 / 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C6-8-                     0.05         n.d.
         branched alkyl esters, C7-rich (DIHP) (CAS No.: 71888-89-6)
      46. 鄰苯二甲酸二 (C7-11支鏈與直鏈)烷基酯 / 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, di-C7-11-                    0.05         n.d.
         branched and linear alkyl esters (DHNUP) (CAS No.: 68515-42-4)
      47. N-甲基吡咯烷酮 / 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (CAS No.: 872-50-4)                               0.05         n.d.
      48. 乙二醇乙醚乙酸酯 / 2-ethoxyethyl acetate (CAS No.: 111-15-9)                                0.05         n.d.
      49. 聯氨 / Hydrazine (CAS No.: 7803-57-8; 302-01-2)                                       0.05         n.d.
      50. 鉻酸鍶 / Strontium chromate*** (CAS No.: 7789-06-2)                                     -           n.d.
      51. 二氯化鈷 / Cobalt dichloride (CAS No.: 7646-79-9)                                      0.005         n.d.
      52. 1,2-二氯乙烷 / 1,2-Dichloroethane (CAS No.: 107-06-2)                                   0.05         n.d.
      53. 4,4'-亞甲雙 (2-氯苯胺) / 2,2'-dichloro- 4,4'-methylenedianiline (MOCA) (CAS               0.05         n.d.
         No.: 101-14-4)
      54. 鄰甲氧基苯胺 / 2-Methoxyaniline; o-Anisidine (CAS No.: 90-04-0)                           0.05         n.d.
      55. 對特辛基苯酚 / 辛基酚 / 4-(1,1,3,3-tetramethylbutyl) phenol, (4-tert-                        0.05         n.d.
         Octylphenol) (CAS No.: 140-66-9)
      56. 矽酸鋁,耐火陶瓷纖維 (主要成分濃度於可變範圍內) / Aluminosilicate, Refractory                             0.05         n.d.
         Ceramic Fibres【oxides of aluminium and silicon are the main components present
         (in the fibres) within variable concentration ranges】
      57. 砷酸 / Arsenic acid*** (CAS No.: 7778-39-4)                                            -           n.d.
      58. 双(2-甲氧基乙基)醚 / Bis(2-methoxyethyl) ether (CAS No.: 111-96-6)                         0.05         n.d.
      59. 鄰苯二甲酸二甲氧基乙酯 / Bis(2-methoxyethyl) phthalate (CAS No.: 117-82-8)                     0.05         n.d.
      60. 砷酸鈣 / Calcium arsenate*** (CAS No.: 7778-44-1)                                       -           n.d.
      61. 鉻酸鉻 / Dichromium tris (chromate)*** (CAS No.: 24613-89-6)                            -           n.d.

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          Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested.
                    SGS Taiwan Ltd. 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司     25, Wu Chyuan 7th Road, New Taipei Industrial Park, Wu Ku District, New Taipei City, Taiwan /อ̹̏ʞٰਜอ̏ପุ෤ਜʞᛆɖ༩25໮
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