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                                    號碼(No.): CC/2018/B0143     日期(Date): 2018/11/22       頁數(Page): 8 of 17
     Test Report

    嵩陽工業股份有限公司                                                                                     *CC/2018/B0143*

     No.                                     物質名稱                                              RL          濃度
                                         (Substance Name)                                     (%)     (Concentration)
     115. 硝酸鉛 / Lead dinitrate*** (CAS No.: 10099-74-8)                                        -           n.d.
     116. 氧化鉛 / Lead oxide (lead monoxide)*** (CAS No.: 1317-36-8)                             -           n.d.
     117. 堿式硫酸鉛 / Lead oxide sulfate*** (CAS No.: 12036-76-9)                                  -           n.d.
     118. 鈦酸鉛 / Lead titanium trioxide*** (CAS No.: 12060-00-3)                                -           n.d.
     119. 鈦酸鉛鋯 / Lead Titanium Zirconium Oxide*** (CAS No.: 12626-81-2)                        -           n.d.
     120. 甲氧基乙酸 / Methoxy acetic acid (CAS No.: 625-45-6)                                     0.05         n.d.
     121. 環氧丙烷 / Propylene oxide; 1,2-epoxypropane; methyloxirane (CAS No.: 75-56-9)          0.05         n.d.
     122. N,N-二甲基甲醯胺 / N,N-dimethylformamide; dimethyl formamide (CAS No.: 68-12-2)           0.05         n.d.
     123. N-甲基乙醯胺 / N-methylacetamide (CAS No.: 79-16-3)                                      0.05         n.d.
     124. 鄰苯二甲酸正戊異戊酯 / N-pentyl-isopentylphtalate (CAS No.: 776297-69-9)                      0.05         n.d.
     125. 鄰氨基偶氮甲苯 / o-aminoazotoluene (CAS No.: 97-56-3)                                      0.05         n.d.
     126. 四氧化鉛 / Lead tetroxide (orange lead)*** (CAS No.: 1314-41-6)                          -           n.d.
     127. 鄰甲苯胺 / o-Toluidine; 2-Aminotoluene (CAS No.: 95-53-4)                               0.05         n.d.
     128. 全氟十三酸 / Pentacosafluorotridecanoic acid (CAS No.: 72629-94-8)                       0.05         n.d.
     129. 氧化鉛與硫酸鉛的複合物 / Pentalead tetraoxide sulphate*** (CAS No.: 12065-90-6)                 -           n.d.
     130. C.I.顏料黃41 / Pyrochlore, antimony lead yellow*** (CAS No.: 8012-00-8)                 -           n.d.
     131. 含鉛的矽酸鋇 / Silicic acid, barium salt, lead-doped (※4) (CAS No.: 68784-75-8)           0.05         n.d.
     132. 矽酸鉛 / Silicic acid, lead salt*** (CAS No.: 11120-22-2)                               -           n.d.
     133. 亞硫酸鉛(II) / Sulfurous acid, lead salt, dibasic*** (CAS No.: 62229-08-7)               -           n.d.
     134. 四乙基鉛 / Tetraethyllead*** (CAS No.: 78-00-2)                                          -           n.d.
     135. 三鹼式硫酸鉛/ C.I. 顏料白 / Tetralead trioxide sulphate*** (CAS No.: 12202-17-4)              -           n.d.
     136. 全氟十二酸 / Tricosafluorododecanoic acid (CAS No.: 307-55-1)                            0.05         n.d.
     137. 堿式碳酸鉛 / Trilead bis(carbonate) dihydroxide (basic lead carbonate)*** (CAS            -           n.d.
         No.: 1319-46-6)
     138. 磷酸氧化鉛 / Trilead dioxide phosphonate*** (CAS No.: 12141-20-7)                         -           n.d.
     139. 分支或線性的乙氧化壬基酚,包括含有9個碳烷基鏈的所有獨立的同分異構體和所有含有線性或分支9                                       0.05         n.d.
         個碳烷基鏈的UVCB物質 / 4-Nonylphenol, branched and linear, ethoxylated [substances with
         a linear and/or branched alkyl chain with a carbon number of 9 covalently bound in
         position 4 to phenol, ethoxylated covering UVCB- and well-defined substances, polymers
         and homologues, which include any of the individual isomers and/or combinations thereof]

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          Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested.
                    SGS Taiwan Ltd. 台灣檢驗科技股份有限公司     25, Wu Chyuan 7th Road, New Taipei Industrial Park, Wu Ku District, New Taipei City, Taiwan /อ̹̏ʞٰਜอ̏ପุ෤ਜʞᛆɖ༩25໮
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