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P. 14
號碼(No.): CC/2018/B0082A 日期(Date): 2018/11/16 頁數(Page): 14 of 17
Test Report
嵩陽工業股份有限公司 *CC/2018/B0082A*
7. ***: 該物質是由單辛基錫、二辛基錫、三丁基錫、二丁基錫、全氟辛酸或各別元素 (例如: 砷、鉛、六價鉻、硼、鈷、鋇、鎘)之測
試結果計算得知. / The substance was calculated by the test results of MonooctylTin, Dioctyl Tin, Tributyl Tin,
Dibutyl Tin, PFOA or element (Ex. Arsenic, Lead, Cr(VI), Boron, Cobalt, Barium, Cadmium respectively).
測試結果如下(The test result is given as):
物質名稱 RL 濃度
(Substance Name) (%) (Concentration)
三丁基錫 / Tributyl Tin (TBT) 0.05 n.d.
砷 / Arsenic (As) (※2) 0.005 n.d.
六價鉻 / Hexavalent Chromium Cr(VI) 0.005 n.d.
硼 / Boron (B) (※2) 0.005 n.d.
鈷 / Cobalt (Co) 0.005 n.d.
二丁基錫 / Dibutyl Tin (DBT) 0.05 n.d.
鋇 / Barium (Ba) 0.005 n.d.
二辛基錫 / Dioctyl Tin (DOT) 0.0231 n.d.
單辛基錫 / MonooctylTin (MOT) 0.0140 n.d.
8. F 參數換算表/F Parameter Conversion Table:
9. 分類/Classification:Please refer to
10. (*1): 鉻酸與重鉻酸的寡聚體: 因為其寡聚體是由未知數的鉻酸或與重鉻酸所組成,而導致沒有固定分子量,因此以單體鉻酸或重鉻
酸較為重要並應被考慮。/ Oligomers of chromic acid and dichromic acid : since the oligomers are made of the unknown
amount of chromic acid or dichromic acid that results in no fixed molecular weight, therefore the monomer of chromic
acid or dichromic acid is relevant and considered.
11. (*2): 水合硼酸鈉: 依照歐洲化學總署解釋以無水四硼酸二鈉數據作為代表(歐洲化學總署回信編號 Ref no.: INC 000000032519) /
Tetraboron disodium heptaoxide, hydrate: Only anhydrous form of disodium tetraborate is relevant and considered
according to ECHA explanation (Ref no.: INC 000000032519).
12. (※1): 此砷鉛化合物之濃度是取砷及鉛兩者各別換算出砷鉛化合物濃度,並取其最小值做為最後出報告之依據.
(Regarding the compound containing arsenic and lead, lead and arsenic are tested and respectively used for the
calculation of the independent concentration of the compound containing arsenic and lead. The minimum value of the
two independently calculated concentrations is used as the final concentration for the report.)
13. (※2): 被萃取出的溶出硼/砷是以感應耦合電漿原子發射光譜儀檢測得之. / The extracted soluble Boron / Arsenic are
detected by ICP-AES.
14. (※3): 由於TGIC本身含有β-TGIC,依照ECHA 技術文件 β-TGIC與 TGIC 約為 1:10 比例,因此β-TGIC將以1/10 的TGIC計算濃度。
/ TGIC is a mixture and also contains β-TGIC. According to the ECHA's technical dossier the ratio of β-TGIC to TGIC
is around 1 to 10. Therefore β-TGIC is issued based on the above-mentioned ratio.
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Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested.
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