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P. 15
號碼(No.): CC/2018/B0082A 日期(Date): 2018/11/16 頁數(Page): 15 of 17
Test Report
嵩陽工業股份有限公司 *CC/2018/B0082A*
15. (※4): 只有在矽與鉛定性結果為陽性時,再以鋇之濃度換算之。/ Only if both qualitative results of lead and silicon are
positive, the test result of the compound will be calculated based on the concentration of barium.
16. (※5): 此化合物之濃度是取六價鉻及鉛兩者各別換算出化合物濃度,並取其最小值做為最後出報告之依據.
(Regarding the compound containing Cr(VI) and lead, lead and Cr(VI) are tested and respectively used for the
calculation of the independent concentration of the compound containing Cr(VI) and lead. The minimum value of the two
independently calculated concentrations is used as the final concentration for the report.)
17. (※7): RP-HP無法直接測得且無法自特定元素計算含量,RP-HP之所以被定義於SVHC是因為4-HPbl,因此分析4-HPbl取代RP-HP. / RP-
HP can't be identified directly and test result can't be calculated based on specific element(s) or compound. RP-HP
is identified as SVHC because of 4-HPbl, therefore 4-HPbl is analysed instead of RP-HP.
18. (●) : 因為鉛有一很廣泛應用,不太可能判定是否檢驗出的鉛是來自鉛離子,鉛元素或鉛化合物,因此用檢驗出的總鉛來代表鉛。 /
Since lead has a wide application, it is unlikely to determine if the detected lead comes from the lead ion, lead
element or/ and lead compounds. Therefore the detected total lead is used on behalf of lead.
19. 此份報告取代CC/2018/B0082報告. (This report supersedes the previous document bearing the test report number
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